Running on the treadmill, earbuds attached, I was listening to my playlist when the song “Hall of Fame” by The Script began to play. I love that song! They capture exactly what it means to BE INSPIRED  (oh, and just in case members of The Script are reading my blog...

Choose Kindness

CHOOSE KINDNESS is a phrase often say to my kids, so I knew when I named my blog 2Wrds, I wanted to start with this one. The trouble is, I’m a Blabber, not a Blogger. I have random thoughts that I proceed to shout out to anyone who will listen (including people at the...

Welcome to 2Wrds!

2 Wrds: Encouragement. Inspiration. Welcome to 2Wrds! I’m so glad you are here! My desire is that you will feel encouraged and inspired by what you read. The name 2Wrds was born out of the desire for my twins to “be nice” to each other. One day my husband and I had an...