Remember the Disney movie Homeward Bound—The Incredible Journey? Two mischievous dogs and a sassy cat are left with friends while their family vacationed. After being left for days without word from their owner, the pets set out on a journey to find their way back home. Through hilarious dialogue and harrowing circumstances, the pets travel hundreds of miles, encountering wild animals, dangerous rivers, and starvation before reuniting with their owner. Their determination kept them alive. Their persistence kept them going.

This past July Fourth, we returned home late at night and heard a scratching at the front door. Thinking it was our neighbor’s dog, my son looked out the window. “Uh, mom. There’s a dog at our door I don’t recognize.”

A small dog had found its way to our front porch. Each time a firework boomed, she tucked her tail between her legs and shook with fright. I messaged neighbors and posted on social media, but no one was searching for an adorable fifteen-pound red and white puppy.

As the hours stretched on, I decided to keep her overnight and search for the owner in the morning. But not only was she terrified of fireworks, she was scared to death of my two labs! We decided my husband and kids would keep our labs upstairs and I would sleep in the basement with our new friend. I lifted her shaking body onto the bed, and within seconds, she was sound asleep snuggled next to my pillow.

The next morning, we set out of an incredible journey of our own, driving door to door searching for her home. At each house, Lucky (as I nicknamed her), would bark furiously until I returned to the car. I later figured out she was trying to say, “That’s not my home! Nope, not that one either!” On my way to the vet to check for a microchip, I got a call. A very worried lady said, “I think you have my dog.” She then texted me a picture of “Lily”.

To our amazement, Lily, a Terrier-Chihuahua mix, ran over five miles in the dark to escape the fireworks, crossing two major roads, racing through a busy roundabout, and trudging through miles of woods to find my front porch! To this day, I have no idea how she did it and how she found us. Her determination amazed us all! Minutes later, when I dropped her off, she raced to the owner without looking back. But that was okay. Lucky Lily was home safe and sound.

Determination is the fierce resolve to keep going no matter what; to see things through to the end, despite the obstacles standing in your way.

What journey are you currently facing that seems daunting? Have you resolved to see it through no matter what the circumstances? The next time you want to give up, remember the story of Lucky Lily, who displayed a fierce determination on her Incredible Journey to find her way back home.

If you haven’t seen Homeward Bound-The Incredible Journey, you owe it to yourself to watch it. As a bonus, you’ll be treated to the voice of Michael J. Fox, one of my favorite actors!

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Photo curtesy of Al Lucca on Unsplash