2 Wrds: Encouragement. Inspiration.

Welcome to 2Wrds! I’m so glad you are here! My desire is that you will feel encouraged and inspired by what you read.

The name 2Wrds was born out of the desire for my twins to “be nice” to each other. One day my husband and I had an epiphany, you know one of those rare moments of true inspiration.

We were so tired of negative messages flooding our inbox and television screen. How could we possibly teach our children to be nice when adults treat each other with such disrespect? We set out to impact our community in a small but powerful way. From there, a vision was born to spread encouragement and inspiration through our words.

Here’s the thing. What if social media was flooded with positive messaging rather than negative? What if more people chose to be kind to each other? What would our world look like?

Words are so powerful! And you have that powerful tool within your grasp. My desire is for these words to inspire you to greater things! We can use our words to inspire Kindness, Encouragement, Happiness, and so much more.

Each week I will post two words. That’s it. Two words to focus on.

If we all take the time to Be Nice, Choose Kindness, or Be Bold, we can, and we will make a difference!

What r ur 2Wrds?