Do you remember the song, “Don’t Worry Be Happy”.  What was it about the song that was so catchy? Sure the beat was good. And you’re probably whistling the tune right now. Actually, try NOT whistling. Bet you can’t do it!

Why did this song become an overnight international sensation? I think because there is something deep within each of us that wants to be happy. Put another way, we desire purpose. Drifting aimlessly, we will get nowhere fast. But steering on course gets us where we want to go.

You may be asking yourself, what does all this have to do with giving back? When we are fulfilling our purpose, we are happy. And we free ourselves up emotionally to give back to others.

Let me give you an example. Recently, a man called into a radio station and explained that he was at a local drive-through restaurant when the car in front of him paid for his meal. He was so overcome with emotion, he called the radio station because he wanted someone to know he was thankful. He said he’d just lost his job and was going through a really hard time. “No one has ever done anything like that for me before. Ever.” It stunned me that a simple act could have such a profound effect. That’s the power of GIVE BACK.

A couple of years ago, I volunteered to read to a group of second-graders at a school north of where I live. I read loads of Christmas stories using different voices for each character. The children loved listening to book after book, soaking up each story. Upon leaving, I asked why they needed volunteers and were not using the parents of the children for reading time. Imagine my surprise when the teacher whispered, “Most of their parents can’t read.” I was shocked! This is a school in my own community.

Helping that day made me happy. I felt a sense of purpose and it’s now one of the things I look forward to every year.

GIVING BACK leaves us feeling like we’ve made a small difference in this big world. So, here is the question today…

How can you GIVE BACK this week? What small thing can you do to make a big impact? Try it and see if you are whistling the tune, “Don’t Worry Be Happy” by the time you leave!


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Written by Robert Mcferrin Jr. Copyright © Universal Music Publishing Group