A city sat on edge as an escaped criminal wandered the quiet suburbs of Atlanta, taking hostage a young woman desperate to turn her life around after losing custody of her daughter. As she begged for her life, she read to him portions from Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For, explaining that God had a purpose for his life. She told him her purpose was to serve others and suggested that perhaps by paying for his crimes, he could serve others in prison. By morning, her incredible faith led him to surrender to police. She later told reporters that the incident saved her life, giving her purpose and meaning.

Everyone has a purpose. We just need to find it. And for many, FINDING PURPOSE comes through GIVING BACK to others in need.

Meet Gordon, who although never went to prison himself, wanted to help those behind bars find meaning in life. For over 25 years, he’s ministered to hundreds of prisoners who believed once the jail cell door closed, their life was over. A chaplain with North Point Ministries in Atlanta, Gordon shares with men that God has a purpose for their life. Many of those who Gordon ministered to are now helping others turn their lives around. Gordon also regularly meets with men struggling from drug and alcohol addiction.

Meet Ashton, a former New York fashion model, who suffered in silence for years with an eating disorder. Determined to get healthy, Ashton sought treatment and is now helping other women remodel their thinking, eating, and emotional health. Here are her own words from her blog.

“I can say first hand that serving others really puts your circumstances into perspective. When I started volunteering, I began to feel less isolated. Serving others helped create a sense of purpose to my pain that I had never felt before. I was no longer alone, but surrounded by support.”

Ashton is now a psychology major and serves on the junior board of directors with EDIN (Eating Disorder Information Network). She speaks in local schools to girls about body image. Ashton found her purpose by GIVING BACK to others. Ashton may be contacted at www.life-remodelED.org


Maybe you are trying to figure out why on earth you are here. Try volunteering. Try serving others in need. You might be surprised. You may FIND YOUR PURPOSE.


Do you know someone like Ashton or Gordon who have found purpose in serving others in need? If so, share their story. Let’s honor those who GIVE BACK every day. Want more encouragement and inspiration? Subscribe now!