Yesterday I watched as two tiny robins spend the day building a nest on my front porch. As they worked diligently to bring straw, sticks, and other materials necessary for the nest, it struck me how our world is changing in unprecedented ways, yet the birds appeared oblivious to the pandemic, school closings, and stock market crash. They chirped from the time I woke up to the time I went to sleep. Nothing deterred them from the task at hand. They weren’t worried or afraid. Every year, the robins build a nest. For them, nothing had changed.

“Look at the birds! They don’t worry about what to eat—they don’t need to sow or reap or store up food—for your heavenly father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than they are.” (Matthew 6:26, emphasis mine)

As I pondered these words, I asked myself some hard questions. Am I like the birds, prepared yet without fear? Or am I holed up, hoarding my things from others, afraid of what might come? Did you know that the phrase “fear not” is used 366 times in the Bible! That’s one time for every day of the year! I think God knew we’d need the reminder to not be afraid. Uncertainly makes me anxious and uncomfortable, but it also draws me closer to my purpose. I want to turn my anxiety into care for others through my words and actions.

Fear results in procrastination but faith brings action.

What does change inspire you to do? Maybe it’s the book you’ve wanted to write for years, but have procrastinated out of fear of failure. Perhaps you’ve wanted to homeschool your children but never followed through because you didn’t believe you could do it. Here is your opportunity to rise above your fears and take action. To complete something you never expected you could. To help someone in need in a way you never dreamed possible. Here is your time. Here is your chance. Let’s live like the birds, prepared yet unafraid, knowing we are valuable and loved.

Verse taken from The Living Bible translation.