CHOOSE KINDNESS is a phrase often say to my kids, so I knew when I named my blog 2Wrds, I wanted to start with this one. The trouble is, I’m a Blabber, not a Blogger.

I have random thoughts that I proceed to shout out to anyone who will listen (including people at the grocery store), then forget them as soon as they leave my mouth. So needless to say, writing my first blog did not come easy.

Until one rainy night when I ordered Chinese food for dinner. Wait, I meant to say that I slaved over the stove for hours making a homemade meal, then slipped it into Chinese delivery boxes just for fun!  LOL

When I opened my fortune cookie that night, here’s what it said, “Your random act of kindness today will spread quickly to others.”

Although I pondered whether or not I had done one kind thing that day, the timing was definitely interesting. Then, the clincher came the next day, when the radio DJ announced it was “random acts of kindness day”. Wait, what? I didn’t even know that day existed. Of course, I didn’t know national pizza day existed either until coupons arrived in my inbox! A theme was definitely developing.

This past December, my kids participated in a program at school called, “Random Acts of Kindness”. The students were encouraged to perform a simple act of kindness to someone who is not expecting anything in return.

Being the great mom that I am, I decided to implement this right away in our home. My twin boys, whom I will lovingly refer to from here on out as Thing 1 and Thing 2, were in a squabble. Since Thing 1 was horribly mean to his brother, I decide that as “punishment” he needed to do an act of kindness to show his brother he was sorry. He willingly jumped up, and could not wait to begin! Or was it that he grumbled and complained? Well, you can guess. Now, he had to perform two acts of kindness. Thing 1 was not happy.

Between homework, sports practice, cooking dinner, laundry, blogging, and writing my novel, it lasted all of…1 day. Can anyone relate to that?

But it worked. The message got across. Why? Because doing something kind for someone else changes our mood. It makes us feel better.

Imagine with me what a day full of kindness would look like. Well, there would be no road rage, no cutting in line, and no backstabbing at work. The news would air positive stories of heroic acts. Thing 1 and Thing 2 would get along (ah, breathe in the fresh air).

What if we choose to be kind for one entire day? Try it. Do a random act of kindness for someone who is not expecting it, and see how it makes you feel. Then try again the next day, and the next.

Pretty soon, we may find ourselves living the 2Wrds: CHOOSE KINDNESS


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